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About Venkateshwar Hospital

At Venkateshwar Hospital, state of the art technology and dedicated medical practitioners have been brought together under one roof for giving ethical medical care. Equipped with the most modern equipments and Information Technology, our practitioners work together as a team to provide the best possible treatment to our patients.

 Centres of Excellence

Centres of Excellence

34 Specialities


125  ICU Beds

ICU Beds

500 Beds


10  Modular OTs

Modular OTs

24 x 7 Pharmacy

24 x 7

24 x 7 Blood Bank

24 x 7
Blood Bank

24 x 7 Emergency

24 x 7 Emergency

Centers of Excellence

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To schedule an appointment, choose your preferred
date & time and select the appropriate specialist.


Health Checkup

Take charge of your health with our comprehensive health check-up packages. Book now and stay healthy.


Cancer Care

We are a dedicated cancer hospital for management of all kinds of cancer!

Cancer Care

Happy Patients

Best in class Technology
Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery

Achieving Surgical Excellence with Robotics!

Robotics technology allows our highly skilled specialists to enhance their surgical capabilities and perform complex procedures by providing accurate control, flexibility and precision. The highly flexible robotic arms, data-driven care, high-definition 3D display makes complex surgeries.

Preventive Health Checkups!

Venkateshwar Hospital provides comprehensive packages for health check, especially designed to suit your individual needs. We not only assess your present health status, but also screen you for any potential risk factors.

View Packages
Health Checkup

International Patients

Getting across the borders to give compassionate care

Our treatments have reached to patients across the globe

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